TriCaFor 1000-2000 microns, the bone material

TriCaFor 1000-2000 microns, the bone material
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2 000 р.


TriCaFor-osteoconductive, bioresorbable, fully synthetic material based on calcium phosphate for bone tissue restoration

The use of TriCaFor provides high-quality rehabilitation of patients, the absence of complications after surgery, no need for repeated operations.

Features of TriCaFor material:

- Fully synthetic;
- Bioresorbable;
- Architectonics is similar to trabecular bone.
Particle size-1000-2000 µm


Product Code: TCF-1000-2000
Brand: Osteonova
Country manufacturer Russia
Volume 1.5 cm³, 3.0 cm³
Ref TCF-1000-2000
Form release Granules
Particle size 1000-2000 mkm


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