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- Implants AstraTech EV
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- Botiss Materials for regeneration
- Symbios materials for regeneration
- bioOST and bioPLATE biomaterials
- TriCaFor
- Dental instruments HLW Dental Instruments (Germany)
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- Dental instrument
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Jason collagen fleece
Jason collagen fleece – highly effective natural resorbable collagen sponge.
Hemostatic sponge effect is based on the adhesion of platelets to collagen fibers and release coagulation factors by degranulation and start the coagulation cascade. Jason collagen fleece is applied for preservation of the wells or closing of the recession. The sponge contributes to the formation of a blood clot and healing of the wound. Jason®collagen fleece is easy to install and remove, it maintains integrity when wetted with blood and during installation.Advantages of collagen fleece Jason:
- Completely pH-neutral material that provides effective local hemostasis;
- Reinforced adhesive properties in liquid environment;
- Absorbability and rapid decay under the influence of enzymatic reactions;
- Easy installation and removal;
- Maintains integrity when wetted with blood and during installation;
- The time of resorption in just 2-4 weeks.
Out Of Stock
Appointment Soft tissue regeneration :: Complect 12 PCs :: Ref 0690412 :: Sizes 20x20 mm
Out Of Stock
Appointment Soft tissue regeneration :: Complect 10 PCs :: Ref 0692510 :: Sizes 50x50 mm