Implant Touareg-S 5 mm, ADIN (Israel)

Implant Touareg-S 5 mm, ADIN (Israel)
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6 500 р.


Implant Touareg-S 5 mm, ADIN (Israel)

Touareg-S final implant for the private sinuslift.
Implant Touareg-S spiral, conical self-tapping implant with internal hexagon, designed to permit installation of the implant with minimal invasiveness, without pain, due to design features (a special form of head), creating a gentle pressure on the bone.
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Product Code: ISP-S 50
Brand: ADIN
Connection Hexagon
Country manufacturer Israel
Diameter 5 mm
Length 6.25 mm - 16 mm
Ref ISP-S 0650, ISP-S 0850, ISP-S 1050, ISP-S 1150, ISP-S 1350, ISP-S 1650
Surface S.L.A
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Tags: implant, Touareg-S