Lecture on implantology in Yekaterinburg
Lecture on implantology in Yekaterinburg
22.10.2017 in Yekaterinburg will be a lecture on implantology "the Creation of places for implantation are the key factors of success".
Details will be lighted:
- the lateralization of inferior alveolar nerve;
- the splitting of the alveolar process;
- the circular bone blocks;
- F. Khoury technique and other techniques of the NKR.
Lecturer - Professor ADI Lorean
Dr. ADI Lorean is one of the outstanding oral surgeons in Israel. Head of Implantological Department at the hospital "Laniado" in Netanya (Israel), Director of sales technology development General surgery and neurosurgery company "Brainsgate LTD", Professor of the Department of implantology, Stomatological University named Titus Maiorescu (Bucharest, Romania).The cost of participation in lectures - 3 000 rubles.
But that's not all! To all our customers we give you the opportunity to get to a lecture absolutely for free!
It's enough to buy 10 implants at a retail price.
Date: 22 Oct 2017.
Location: Ekaterinburg, green Park Hotel, St the will of the people., 24 (space is limited)
For entries and further details, please call 7 (953) 039-45-05 or sales managers by phones specified in section Contacts
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